Nque es el ebola pdf free download

Esta es una enfermedad infecciosa altamente contagiosa y grave. Ebola virus disease has a fatality rate of 50% to 90%. From the history of the ebola virus to ebola symptoms, vaccine information and news of the current ebola outbreak kindle edition by shearing ph. When ebola virus disease evd broke out in 2014, global communities transitioned some of its iwash activities to focus on ebola response in lofa, bong and nimba counties. Communities affected by ebola should make efforts to ensure that every body is well informed about the disease. Ebola was first identified in 1976 near the ebola river in the country now known as the democratic republic of the congo. Currently, there are evd outbreaks in several western african nations, including guinea, liberia, sierra leone and parts of nigeria. Hospital staff should have individual gowns, gloves, masks and goggles. Healthcare workers in liberia, official cdc health advisory.

Tambien es importante avisar a las autoridades sanitarias. The united nations does this through capacity development, technical assistance, policy advice, programming support, and coordination with government, national authorities, donors, civil society, the media, non. Ebola virus prevention solutions designed for healthcare. Maladie a virus ebola actualites 2019 docteur bernardalex gauzere, professeur pierre aubry mise a jour le 22112019. Ebola is also known as ebola virus disease evd or ebola hemorrhagic fever ehf. There are five ebola subspecies, four of which are known to cause the disease. It is severe, and often fatal, disease in humans and nonhuman primates, such as monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees.